dinsdag, februari 01, 2011

Andy R Macpherson


2 Response to Andy R Macpherson

2 februari 2011 om 13:01

oops haha :D Have you made any new work or are you too busy with other stuff? Anyway, it's never too late :) I'll mail you back soon!

9 februari 2011 om 15:09

Not made any drawings or paintings since late December, when I was commissioned to do a portrait that will be getting auctioned for charity later this year.
I've been busy with my job at the curling rink, but I've also been doing some random photography & photoshop stuff relating to the sport of curling. You can see some of these arty things at:

- http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=352638&id=173981828851&ref=mf

- http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=60510&id=194982777183491&fbid=199916716690097&ref=mf

- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpOUamFEc40